Mallet for Unreal Engine 5 (LITE)
A maybe kind of useful UE5 plugin for level design that adds some features inspired by the Hammer editor. NOTE: This is an early, free version of the Mallet plugin. It contains a few basic utility actors and the Mallet IO system. For more features, bug fixes, and future updates, consider buying the full plugin on the marketplace!
Easily create "connections" between actors, calling events in one actor from another without the need to mess with any Blueprints or code.
The IO manager UI automatically detects any functions in a Blueprint that are prefixed with "In_" or "Out_" (denoting input or output). In other words, you can very easily integrate this with any of your own Blueprints in a matter of seconds.
Several utility actors to help speed up level design and prototyping. All of these, of course, work with the IO connection system where applicable (and you can also use them with standard blueprint scripting as well). More will be added as development continues!
A really cool UE5 plugin that pretty blatantly rips off some Hammer features :)